It seems like Layla has been home forever. What did I do before I understood the importance of children’s church/daycare so I could actually hear the sermon? What did I do before I heard a cross between a chuckle and laugh emanate from such a tiny baby? What did I do before I learned how my koala bear could give koala bears a run for their money in holding on to people? How did Jory, Rowan, and I exist before this beautiful, smart bundle of joy came into our lives?
Layla loves to stand more than she sits now. She loves pulling up on any and everything. She even hates to lay down when I change her diaper because it’s seconds spent away from her precious standing position. She can find random pieces of paper on the floor better than Hoover . I’m still amazed that the girl can put paper in her mouth and eat it, but you put a Cheerio in front of her and all she does is play with it in her hands. So something you’re supposed to eat, you don’t. Gotcha! Or maybe she’s just used to being fed on demand.
Yes, my normal go with the flow daughter changes when she’s in her high chair. She is very vocal when she’s placed in it, demanding with her thrown together sounds that she be fed now. And heaven forbid, you turn away from her to do something else in the midst of feeding her. She becomes even more vocal and her hands start banging on the tray. Layla looks at you as if to say, “Woman, why are you standing next to bowl with a spoon and food it in, yet said spoon and food aren’t in my mouth?!” And when she’s done eating, then she’s ready for her bottle or sippy cup, as if that’s just the natural order of life…It’s like she’s a pimp wanting her money.
Jory’s, Rowan’s, and my own life has been so enriched and blessed with the addition of Layla. I remember while I was waiting for her referral, people talked about how hard it was to see a picture of their child and knowing it would be weeks or months before they could hold them in their arms. I suggested to a friend that maybe I shouldn’t even look at Layla’s picture so I wouldn’t feel the tug of knowing my baby was in an orphanage, motherless, and I was on the other side of the world unable to get to her. But when I got the referral, I quickly opened the picture without a second thought; and I was like, she’ll do.
There was no pulling of any heart strings. It was like, there’s Layla. My reaction was very understated like the farmer in “Babe,” when he said, “That will do, Pig. That’ll do.” People told me how cute she was and I thought yeah, she looks okay. And now, now she’s the most beautiful baby born on January 21, 2008 (Lori, why did you let Lena steal my daughter’s birthday?). And unlike that December 29th morning, I could easily pick her and her cry out in a crowd without the aid of my favorite rock star’s mom. A lot can change in three months and I’m looking forward to all the changes that come in the upcoming months.
I pray that Layla’s heart will be open to God and she will trust in the Lord with all heart and soul and lean not on her own understanding; and that in all her ways she will acknowledge Him. I want her to know and believe that she is fearfully and wonderfully made so she never has to say,
“You could have your choice of men
But I could never love again
He’s the only one for me….
I had to have this talk with you
My happiness depends on you
And whatever you decide to do…
I’m begging of you please don’t take my man…
Please don’t take him even though you can”
And if you don’t get that reference you are not watching the third greatest show on television…..And Carol, not having a TV, is not an excuse because that’s why God created the internet or rather that’s why God allowed Dan Quayle to invent the internet. And yes, the first two shows are 24 and The Unit, both shows which could help Rowan in her future career if only she was allowed to stay up that late….
A baby at play.

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