Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Girls' Christening

On Sunday, July 12th at the 7:45AM service the two most beautiful girls in the world were christened. More about this later, let me tell you what happened after the service.

Jory had swimming lessons so we go over to my aunt's house so he could have lessons with his favorite cousins and I could spend quality time with my favorite sister. While sitting outside on the patio, I began to feel parched and I saw my eight-and-a-half-year-old nephew with a drink in his hand, so I asked him to get me a drink. A few minutes later, Tigger comes out with a nice, tall, ice cold glass of ice tea complete with ice. I'm not a fan of ice, unless the drink is hot, but it was nice that he added that touch. I thanked him and off he went to ride his bike.

Some time later, I was feeling munchy so I went inside the house to make sure my sister had purchased real bread and not that crappy multi-grain stuff, just tasty, plain wheat bread. Score! My sister had wheat bread, but I really didn't feel like digging around in the fridge to find all the ingredients to make a sandwich. I walked outside and there was my wonderful nephew and after a tickling battle, he agreed to go inside and make me a sandwich. A few minutes later, he came out of the kitchen to ask me if I wanted cheese on my turkey sandwich. I'm speechless. I wasn't expecting turkey nor I was expecting him to ask me about cheese. I told him yes, please I would love some cheese. His mother reminded him that there was no sliced cheese and he'd have to slice some himself. He said that was fine.

SNAP! I love this boy! A few minutes later, out comes my handsome, intelligent, gifted, wonderful nephew with my turkey and cheese sandwich on a plate and with a napkin. I could have cried. If I was one of those people who cried at Hallmark movies, I would have definitely cried at the sight of this sandwich, which also had just the right amount of Miracle Whip (because a sandwich is truly not a sandwich without the great taste of Miracle Whip). Just writing this I"m getting vaclempt - - discuss amongst yourselves the Holy Roman Empire was not Holy, nor Roman, nor an empire.

You're probably asking, why is Yash making a big deal about the sandwich. But it's not the sandwich per se, as it is the future. In four short years, Jory will be able to make a sandwich. And if he can make one for himself or me, then he could make two for his sisters. There could be a Saturday in four years, where Jory makes lunch for everyone. Oh my gosh! I'm so excited. The future is so bright, I need to put my shades on. My Tigger can make sandwiches, fix drinks, take groceries in from the car. My sister added that he also puts up the groceries. Did I mention how nephew is a GENIUS?!?!! My sister didn't get why I was so excited, but she's a killjoy at times. Then she told me my niece also makes her own sandwiches. WHAT?!?!

Kayla is one year and two days younger than Jory. My sister said she wouldn't eat the sandwich, but Kayla enjoys them. So the very next lunch that had to be made for a field trip, guess who made their own sandwich? That's right, Mr. Jory. Was there too much Miracle Whip on it? Yes. Was the meat askew? Yes. But who cares, my baby boy made his own sandwich....Now back to the christening story.

The christening went off without a hitch though once again I just wished the Baptist would be more Catholic like when it comes to christenings and baptisms. Yes, it was great to have the pastor pray over the children. But could we have not involved the godparents at all?. Added a little water to the deal? I"m just saying. Thank goodness this was my fifth time going through this because the first time with my oldest nephew I think I was shell shocked for weeks that this was all there was.

Rowan did let the pastor hold her hand during the prayer. Layla did in the beginning, but then she snatched her hand back. She was in full Layla mode wearing the christening gown that mommy and Kayla both wore. No one could hold her, but mommy. So there are no pictures of either of her godmothers holding her. She just wasn't having it. But Layla gets like that at times so we roll with it. She did allow me to take some pictures of her and Rowan together in their gowns.

Speaking of gowns, due to the brief period of time that Mona was in town, we went shopping for Rowan's gown the day before the ceremony. I didn't feel this would be a problem because we were going to the Garment District and buy a gown from the same place we bought Jory. The wonderful little place that sold silk gowns handcrafted by Pygmies for $700. We drive by the place to look for a park and look back and its closed. Where did they move to? How could they be close? Did the owners not know I was going to have more children who needed to be christened? My mom wondered what we were going to do, but I was like we're in the garment distinct aka Catholic garment district, I knew we'd find a place. We made a U-turn and at the end of the street, we hit christening and uniform street.

A lesson I quickly learned was if you don't have a particular gown in mind after a few stores all white christening/baptism gowns all start to look the same. Well except for the one that had the picture of the Virgin Mary in color stitched into the front of the pure white gown. My mom found one she liked and I hastily agreed. I was happy it wasn't the gown with faux fur lined cape.. The shop we bought her gown from sold everythign in a package deal from underwear, to socks, to shows, to t-shirt, to gown, to a gift for the child. I love all-in-one shopping.

After the christening, after swimming lessons, I was in the kitchen washing dishes when I realized you had to take more than six steps to get from the entrance of the kitchen to the sink and Layla had walked to me. My baby was walking! My baby was walking! GENIUS!

The week of July 12th was Layla's week. After walking for about an hour, she got her first bruise. Hey, no one gets good at walking without a few bruises. Then later in the week, I stuck my finger in her mouth and her bottom right tooth had broken through. Layla has a tooth! Go Layla! Snap! It's on like Rae Dawn Chong.

Walking, a tooth, a bruise, a christening shopping expedition, a christening, and a genius cousin who makes sandwiches, it was quite the week for Miss Layla. Did I mention her genius cousin? Okay, I feel tears welling up.

The threesome before the big "C."

Jory, Samyra, and my genius nephew Tigger....Notice how me and my sister's kids are dressed in the same vest. We did not plan that....just great minds thinking alike. That's my aunt in the green suit, in her usher uniform, let's not talk about that. And my mom in the blue/purple suit. And of course, my Principesa.

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