Two years ago in Da Nang, a woman gave birth to a tiny baby girl. I would like to believe that she loved her daughter with all her heart, but knew sadly she wouldn’t be able to parent this child and made one of the toughest decisions of a life. So either herself or someone she trusted more than life itself took the warmly dressed newborn and placed her where she would for sure be found and found quickly, outside of an orphanage.
In this orphanage this baby grew and came to know and love her nannies and the other babies there. Then seven months and one week later after arriving at the orphanage, this unsuspecting crawling baby girl’s life was drastically changed once again. Four months later, the baby once known as Tra Minh became Layla and became daughter to an awesome mom (yes, I am tooting my own horn!) and part of an incredible network of family and friends.
Last year for her first birthday, Layla had only known me a little less than a month and had been with her siblings and new family for barely two weeks. She was a friendly baby when she wanted to be. Her hair was thin and spotty, but I knew she was the cutest baby girl ever born on January 21 and I loved her endlessly.
This year, Layla could have been rockin’ a ponytail but her brother saw fit for that not to be possible, so instead she rocked barrettes, which I’m proud to say she didn’t take out of her hair like she does ponytails and hair bands. At the doctor’s office, I know not the greatest way to spend your birthday, she was saying, “Hi!” to everyone she saw. No where in sight was the little girl who gives off some of the best “I am not the one” looks I’ve ever seen. She was just my happy, kissing, loving baby.
I am so incredibly blessed to be the mother to this little girl. She is my baby. My baby, who is so spoiled, that on Sunday the idea of having a fourth child crossed my mind seriously. I thought maybe if Jack was here then Layla would stop being the baby and be a big girl. But Aunt Dee Dee brought this idea to a crashing halt when she pointed out that Layla didn’t get this way on her own. True dat! And knowing Layla as I do, as soon as Jack started walking all bets would be off and Layla would reclaim her position as baby. Though to be truly honest, I don’t know if she ever would have let Jack be the baby.
Rowan: Mommy, that’s my sister.
Me: Yes, she is your sister. What’s her name?
Rowan: Layla. Baby. Katarzyna.
Yes, Layla is definitely the baby. At Christmas my aunt wondered out loud why everyone called Layla baby and I responded because she is. Then I realized later no one else who holds the position of baby in my family is called baby like Layla. I’ll chalk it up to another thing she got from Oma. My mom’s nickname when she was a kid was baby sister and her one year and twenty-five day younger brother was baby brother. Somehow along the way their nicknames were shortened to Bay Sister and Bay Brother. (Really people, that extra “b” was killing you to say?!) Funny how nicknames stick, my mom was only the youngest sister for three years when her younger sister was born, followed by two more sisters. But this Christmas, I signed Bay Sister on Christmas cards for family members. I wonder if sixty-three- year-old Layla will still be called Baby by us.
It has been amazing to watch Layla blossom into this strong willed, intelligent, feisty, playful, loving toddler. Everything she touches becomes hers. “Mine!” she shouts at the top of her lungs. While those hands can pack a smack (we’re working on the no hitting thing) she gives the best kisses, multiple kisses. She loves peek-a-boo. She sounds exactly like Ah-nuld when she says, “Get down,” her version of put me down.
She is inventive. When Oma built barriers in case she dozed off while babysitting, her eyes could never completely close because Layla was plotting and creating ways to get over her Oma’s gates. I’ve learned to dislike the light weightiness of children’s chairs because my Koala Bear can quickly and easily move them to help her get what she wants. Cookie jars, fruit, drinks, nothing is safe on any counter or table surfaces that can be reached with a chair or whatever else she can use to help her climb.
I remember when Jory was her age if I turned off a light in a room, it was the signal it was time to move on and he did. Rowan was attached to me like glue as soon as the light went off since she is afraid of the dark. But Layla, if she’s not ready to leave the room, a little something like darkness isn’t going to stop her from doing what she wants to do. I have never parented a child so fearless, so adventurous. She makes me laugh. She makes me smile. She makes me want to pull my hair out. Every minute, every second of the nearly twenty-one month wait for her was worth it. She is the third light of my life.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul and with all your strength.” Deuteronomy 6:5. The two greatest pieces of wisdom I could ever give my baby, my Layla. I love you, little girl. I pray God blesses you and keeps you. That He blesses and keeps your husband, your children, and their children.
Happy Birthday, Layla! And you know the other cool thing about turning 2 is that you become a twin. Yiippee!!! Forgive me, had I known you and Rowan were going to be twins I would have given you more twin like names.
When the sun shines we shine together
Told you I’d be here forever
Said I’ll always be your mom
Took oath I’m a stick out till the end
Mommy, this is just what I wanted, my birthstone screwback earrings and a bubble lawnmower. If you look closely on the stereo behind Layla is her one-year-old birthday picture. My how we've changed.

The beautiful birthday girl trying to eat her new earrings.

They are such cuties!! Jory has gotten soooo big since I've last "seen" him - such a handsome little man! :)
ReplyDeleteOh yeah....when are we gonna see a pic of you??? ;)
ReplyDeletewow they are getting so big